Nihal Ercan

Galactic Bulge X-ray sources, Low Mass X-ray Binaries, X-ray Bursters, Globular Cluster X-ray Sources, Cataclysmic X-ray Binary Systems. X-ray and Optical Observations of the aforementioned topics, and the data analysis of Ariel-5, Exp.C, Ariel-6, EXOSAT, GINGA, ROSAT, XMM Newton, ASCA, Chandra and Suzaku, Nu-Star X-ray observations. Theoretically, Galaxy formation, Giant Planets and evolution of planets. Japan-Turkey collaboration on X-ray and optical observations of Galaxy Clusters.Clusters of Galaxies, X-Ray and Optical observations of Supernova Remnants, Gamma Ray Astronomy Observations. Possible Supernova Candidates search in Nearby Galaxies in Optical and X-rays. Mega Masers, AGNs. Research on observational X-rays of dark matter and dark energy.
BSc : Istanbul University, Faculty of Science Physics-Mathematics Double Major (1976) Highest Rank Student
MSc : Bogazici University, Physics Department (1978) Honorary Degree
MSc Thesis : Renormalizability properties and the existence of phase transitions.
Thesis Advisor : Associate Professor Mahmut Hortaçsu
MSc (without thesis): University College London (UCL) ; Department of Physics and Astronomy ( Astrophysics) (1980)
PhD : University of London, University College London, Mullard Space Science Laboratory, (1983) First Class Diploma
PhD Thesis : A Study of Galactic Bulge X-ray Sources with Ariel V, Exp.C and Ariel-6.
Thesis Advisor: Dr. Adrian Michael Cruise (External examiner : Professor Peter Willmore
Academic Life :
1984 January, Research Assistant, Bogazici University. Physics Department
1985 October, Assistant Professor, Bogazici University. Physics Department
1988 October, Assoc Professor, Bogazici University. Physics Department
1994 December, Full Professor, Bogazici University. Physics Department
Research Interests :
Galactic Bulge X-ray sources, Low Mass X-ray Binaries, X-ray Bursters, Globular Cluster X-ray Sources, Cataclysmic X-ray Binary Systems. X-ray and Optical Observations of the aforementioned topics, and the data analysis of Ariel-5, Exp.C, Ariel-6, EXOSAT, GINGA, ROSAT, XMM Newton, ASCA, Chandra and Suzaku, Nu Star X- ray observations. Theoretically; Galaxy formation, Giant Planets and evolution of planets. Japan-Turkey collaboration on X-ray and optical observations of Galaxy Clusters. Canada France HawaiiTelescope Legacy Survey (CFHT-LS) Deep Field Observations with Dr. C. Benoist, Nice Observatory, France.Clusters of Galaxies, X-Ray and Optical observations of Supernova Remnants, Gamma Ray Astronomy Observations. Possible Supernova Candidates searh in Nearby Galaxies in Optical and X-rays. Mega Masers, AGNs. Research on observational X-ray of dark matter and dark energy and various electromagnetic regions.
Scholarships and Awards :
TÜBİTAK-MSc Scholarship 1977-1978.
TÜBİTAK-PhD Scholarship, 1978-1979.
National Education Ministry PhD Scholarship, United Kingdom, (2nd rank student) 1979- 1983.
Prof. Dr. Semih Tezcan Araştırma ve Eğitim Vakfı 200.000 TL Research Foundation, 1985.
Germany - Astronomische Institute der Üniversited Bonn Research Foundation 3 months, 1984.
Supported by Prof. Wolfgang Kundt.
UK - University College London, Mullard Space Science Laboratory SERC (Science and Engineering Research Council) Support 2 months, 1985.
Worked with Dr. A. Michael Cruise.
UK University College London, Mullard Space Science Lab. SERC 2 months, 1987.Worked with Prof. Len Culhane.
UK Rutherford-Appleton Laboratory, Astrophysics Division SERC 2 months, 1988.
Worked with Dr. A. M. Cruise.
UK Rutherford-Appleton Laboratory, Astrophysics Division SERC 2 months, 1989. Worked with Dr.Gordon Bromage.
UK Rutherford-Appleton Laboratory, Astrophysics Division SERC 2 months, 1990.Worked on GINGA project.
UK Rutherford-Appleton Laboratory, Astrophysics Division SERC 2 months, 1992.
Worked on GINGA project.
Academic Encouragement prize between 1999-2015 by Bogazici University.
Academic Encouragement prize by BUVAK since 2016
Akademik Teşvik Ödülü since 2016
Courses Taught :
• Math 151 Calculus I
• Math 152 Calculus II
• Phys 101 General Physics 1
• Phys 102 General Physics 2
• Phys 130 Thermodynamics, Waves, Optics
• Phys 201 General Physics 3
• Phys 345 Classical Astronomy
• Phys 346 Introduction to Astrophysics
• Phys 380 Electrodynamics
• Phys 407 Advanced Quantum Physics
• Phys 421 Statistical Physics
• Phys 445 Observational Astronomy
• Phys 446 Computational Astronomy
• Phys 447 Computational Astrophysics
• Phys 449 Cosmic X-Ray Astronomy
• Phys 482 Selected topics in Astrophysics
• Phys 483 Selected Topics in Physics : Classical Astronomy
• Phys 484 Selected Topics in Physics: Introduction to Astrophysics
• Phys 491 Introduction to Research in Physics I
• Phys 492 Introduction to Research in Physics II
• Phys 501 Classical Dynamics
• Phys 541 Statistical Mechanics
• Phys 571 X - Ray Astronomy
• Phys 572 High Energy Astrophysics
• Phys 582 Theoretical Astrophysics
• Phys 584 Special Topics in Physics : Galaxy Formation
• Phys 587 Special Topics in Physics :Data Analysis in X-ray Astronomy
• Phys 590 Special Topics in Physics Accretion Mechanisms
• Phys 684 Special Topics in Physics Selected Topics in Astrophysics I
• Phys 686 Special Topics in Physics Selected Topics in Astrophysics II
Publications: B.Ü web page (CV)
Google Scholar page: page: page:
MSc Theses:
1. A Study of Low-mass X-ray binaries, 1993, Gökhan Şen
2. ROSAT data analysis of TT Arietis, 1994, Gülnur İkis
3. Ae Aqr: A Dq Her Type Cataclysmic Variable Binary System, 1998 Hakan Erkut
4. Accretion Disks in Astrophysics Accretion Disks in Astrophysics 1999, Yavuz Ekşi
5. Tv Col: A Dq Her Type Cataclysmic Variable Binary Systems , 1999 Mehmet Cem Çalık
6. Chandra observations of EX Hydrae, 2001 Başak Hakanoğlu
7. XMM Newton data Analysis of Isolated radio Quiet Neutron Stars : 1E 1207.4- 5209; RX5 0002+6245; RXJ0822-4300; CXOM JI 85238.4+004020, 2007 Arzu Mert Ankay
8. The relations between the X-ray Spectral parameters of Gamma Ray Bursts, 2009 Ece Kilerci
9. Dynamical Structure Analysis of Five Binary Galaxy Clusters Observed with XMM Newton X-ray Observatory, 2009, Burcu Beygu
10. Fermi-Lat and Chandra Studies of Shell like Supernova Remnants, 2012 Mustafa Bozkurt
11. XMM Newton Observations of Toothbrush Cluster Of Galaxies, 2019 Sinancan Kara
PhD Theses:
12. "X-Ray Binaries With White Dwarfs”, 2003, Gülnur İkis Gün.
13. “Migration of Giant Planets by Dynamical Friction in an Evolving Planetesimal Disk”, 2003, I.Saffet Yeşilyurt
14. “Star disk interaction and anomalous X-Ray Pulsars’’, ‘2003, K.Yavuz Ekşi
15. “Accretion Disks Around Magnetized Neutron Stars’’, 2005, M. Hakan Erkut
16. “Chemical Enrichment History and Gas Mass Ratio Of Abell3112’, 2017 Cemile Ezer
17. “Study of the Feedback of Active Galactic Nuclei on the Intra- Cluster Medium of Non-Cool Core Clusters and Their Chemical Enrichment”, Ayşegül Tümer 2019
18. "Dense molecular gas tracers in water megamaser galaxies'', Ahlam Farhan 2021
Son Güncelleme: 14:13:24 - 28.11.2022