Özhan Özatay

Experimental Condensed Matter Physics; Nanomagnetism and Spin Electronics, Nanoscale memory structures
B.S. : Bogazici University - Electrical and Electronic Engineering (2000)
B.S. : Bogazici University - Physics (2000)
M.S. : Cornell University - Applied and Engineering Physics (2003)
Ph.D.: Cornell University - Applied and Engineering Physics (2007)
Post-doc: San Jose Research Center - Hitachi Global Storage Technologies (2009)
Assistant Prof : Bogazici University - Physics (2009-2012)
Associate Prof : Bogazici University - Physics (2012-2017)
Visiting Scientist (Fulbright Fellow) : Argonne National Laboratory - Materials Science Division (2017-2018)
Prof : Bogazici University - Physics (2017- )
Editorial Board Member for Nanoscience and Nanometrology by Science PG (2018- )
Reviewer for Nature Scientific Reports, Physical Review Letters, Physical Review Applied,
Nanotechnology, Journal of Applied Physics, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Physica B,
Turkish Journal of Physics, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices
- Spin dependent transport properties of nanomagnetic structures: Giant Magnetoresistance (2007 Physics Nobel Prize), Tunneling Magnetoresistance, Spin-Transfer Torque Switching and Microwave Devices. Applications to Magnetic Sensors and Magnetic Random Access Memory (MRAM).
- Domain wall dynamics in magnetic nanowires and heat-assisted domain transfer in perpendicular anistropy magnetic multilayers.
- Point-contact spectroscopy and Andreev reflection measurements of spin polarization.
- Scanning probe microscopy studies of magnetic surfaces. Magnetic imaging and recording with magnetic force misroscopy.
- Electrical characterization of switching dynamics and resistance drift properties of Ge2Sb2Te5 phase change memory devices.
- Transmission/Scanning Electron Microscopy (TEM-SEM) studies of metallic multilayers - controlling interfacial roughness and analysis of interface chemistry with electron-energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) and energy dispersive X-ray measurements.
- Development of new nanofabrication techniques and strategies for the miniaturization of spintronic devices.
- Finite-Element Modeling (FEM) of electro-thermal dynamics in phase change memory devices and magnetization dynamics in nanopillar spin-valves.
- Spin Hall Effect and pure spin currents
- Antiferromagnetic Spintronics
Selected Publications
- Siracusano G, Tomasello R, Giorano A, Puliafito V, Azzerboni B, Ozatay O, Carpentieri M, Finocchio Gi "Magnetic Radial Vortex Stabilization and Efficient Manipulation Driven by the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction and Spin-Transfer Torque" PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 117, 087204 (2016)
- U. Kilic, G. Finocchio, T. Hauet, S. H. Florez, G. Aktas, and O. Ozatay "Magnetic switching driven by nanosecond scale heat and magnetic field pulses: An application of macrospin Landau-Lifshitz-Bloch model" APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS,101, 252407 (2012)
- Ozatay O. et al. "Probing Activation Energy Barrier For Reversal of Strongly Exchange-Coupled Magnetic Multilayer Thin Films" APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 95 (172502) (2009)
- Ozatay O, Gowtham PG, Tan KW, et al. "Sidewall oxide effects on spin-torque- and magnetic-field-induced reversal characteristics of thin-film nanomagnets" NATURE MATERIALS 7 (567-573) (2008)
- Emley NC, Krivorotov IN, Ozatay O, et al. "Time-resolved spin-torque switching and enhanced damping in Permalloy/Cu/Permalloy spin-valve nanopillars" PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 96 (247204 ) (2006)
1. TUBITAK 1001 "Spin Tork Güdümlü Skyrmiyonik Nano-Osilatör"
TUBITAK- 118F428
2. TUBITAK 1001 "Ultra-Ince Antiferromanyetik Filmlerde Ve Nano-Desenlerde Sonlu Büyüklük Etkilerinin Spin Pompalama Etkisiyle Karakterizasyonu"
TUBITAK- 118F431
PHYS 101-102-121-130-201-202-221-391-392-462-491-492-58E-58S-594-641-689-697
Son Güncelleme: 22:14:03 - 08.11.2022