Belkıs Gökbulut

Quantum optics, light–matter interaction in high and low-Q hybrid quantum systems, cavity quantum electrodynamics, nanophotonics, nanoplasmonics, nanomaterials, optomechanics, Anderson localization of electromagnetic waves, time-resolved fluorescence lifetime imaging and spectroscopy of nanosystems, random lasers, photonic crystals.
PhD, Boğaziçi University, Physics Department, Istanbul, Turkey, 2020.
MSc, Boğaziçi University, Physics Department, Istanbul, Turkey, 2015.
BSc, Yeditepe University, Physics Department, Istanbul, Turkey, 2012.
1. B. Gökbulut, “Strong localization and suppression of Anderson modes in an asymmetrical optical waveguide”, Optics Express 2023, 31(8), 13211.
2. B. Gökbulut, “A hybrid photonic-plasmonic resonator based on a partially encapsulated 1D photonic crystal waveguide and a plasmonic nanoparticle”, Heliyon 2022, 8(12), E12346.
3. B. Gökbulut, “Strongly Confined Electromagnetic Waves in a Hybrid Photonic–Plasmonic Resonator for Enhancing Light–Matter Interaction”, International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Pure Sciences 2023, 35(1), 81.
4. B. Gökbulut, A. Inanc, G. Topcu, S. Ozcelik, M. M. Demir, M. N. Inci, “Hybrid photonic-plasmonic mode coupling induced enhancement of the spontaneous emission rate of CdS/CdSe quantum emitters”, Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 2022, 136, 115017.
5. B. Gökbulut, A. Inanc, G. Topcu, S. Ozcelik, M. M. Demir, M. N. Inci, “Enhanced light–matter interaction in a hybrid photonic–plasmonic cavity”, Applied Physics A 2021, 127, 907.
6. B. Gökbulut, G. Topcu, M. M. Demir, M. N. Inci, “Plasmon-induced spectral tunability of Perovskite nanowires”, Optical Materials 2021, 122, 111702.
7. B. Gökbulut, M. N. Inci, “Investigation of spontaneous emission dynamics of dye molecules coupled into transverse Anderson localized cavities in a hyperbolic waveguide”, Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications 2020, 39, 100769.
8. B. Gökbulut, A. Inanc, G. Topcu, S. S. Unluturk, S. Ozcelik, M. M. Demir, M. N. Inci, “Enhanced spontaneous emission rate in a low-Q hybrid photonic-plasmonic nanoresonator”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2019, 123(32), 19862.
9. B. Gökbulut, M. N. Inci, “Enhancement of the spontaneous emission rate of Rhodamine 6G molecules coupled into transverse Anderson localized modes in a wedge-type optical waveguide”, Optics Express 2019, 27(11), 15996.
10. B. Gökbulut, A. Inanc, G. Topcu, T. Guner, M. M. Demir, M. N. Inci, “Enhancement of the spontaneous emission rate of perovskite nanowires coupled into cylindrical hollow nanocavities formed on the surface of polystyrene microfibers”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2019, 123(14) 9343.
11. B. Gökbulut, M. N. Inci, “Inhibition of spontaneous emission in a leaky mode wedge nanocavity”, Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications 2018, 32, 68.
12. B. Gökbulut, E. Yartasi, E. Sunar, O. I. K. Altan, T. N. Gevrek, A. Sanyal, M. N. Inci, “Humidity induced inhibition and enhancement of spontaneous emission of dye molecules in a single PEG nanofiber”, Optical Materials Express 2018, 8(3), 568.
13. B. Gökbulut, S. Guvenc, M. N. Inci, “Investigation of a novel temperature sensing mechanism based on strain induced optical path-length difference in a multicore optical fiber”, Turkish Journal of Physics 2017, 41, 410.
14. B. Bilen, B. Gökbulut, U. Kafa, E. Heves, M. N. Inci, B. Unlu, “Scanning acoustic microscopy and time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy for characterization of atherosclerotic plaques”, Scientific Reports 2018, 8, 14378.
15. S. Guvenc, B. Gökbulut, H. Yuksel, G. Kosoglu, M. N. Inci, “Four-core optical fiber as a Calorimetric Gauge”, Applied Optics 2016, 55(32), 9173.
“Investigations of vacuum fluctuations of Perovskite nanocrystals in random plasmonic media”, Principal Investigator, BAP, 2024–.
“Fabrication of a high-quality nano-laser capable of operating at room temperature with a low optical pump power using a hybrid quantum structure consisting of a photonic crystal cavity, a gold nano-particle and perovskite quantum dots”, Principal Investigator, TUBİTAK 1001, 2021–2024.
“Fabrication and characterization of a hybrid photonic-plasmonic resonator for enhancing light‒matter interaction”, Researcher, BAP, 2020–2022.
Fall 2024, Boğaziçi University, Department of Physics: Physics І
Spring 2023, Boğaziçi University, Institute for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence:
Mathematics for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence.
Fall 2023, Boğaziçi University, Institute for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence: Statistical
Fall 2022, Boğaziçi University, Department of Physics: Introduction to Quantum Optics.
Boğaziçi University Doctoral Thesis Award, 2020.
Son Güncelleme: 23:32:19 - 12.01.2025