Dieter Van Den Bleeken
Teorik Yüksek Enerji Fiziği
TÜBİTAK 113F164 D4D0 Kara Deliği Için Okluklar (Quiver), Ayrık Çekici Akışları Ve SU(2)-Etiketlemesi Kullanan Bir Kuantum Kütleçekimsel Model (2013-2016)
TÜBİTAK 114F218 Black Hole Microstate Geometries In Supergravity (2015-2016)
TÜBİTAK 117F376 Ölçeklendirme Çözümleri Ve Adiyabatik Metodlarla Ads/Cft’den Genelleştirilmiş Holografiye (2018-2021)
BAP 13B03SUP7 Wall-crossing and resurgence in non-perturbative physics (2013-2016)
BAP 17B03P1 Nonrelativistic, nonperturbative and nontrivial: new physics in old theories. (2017-2020)
BAP 20B03D1 Double Perturbative Expansion of the Quantum Action (2020-2021)
BAP 21BP2 Genel göreliliğin göreli-olmayan açılımı için genişletilmiş bir yaklaşıma doğru (2021-2024)
Phys 101 Physics I
Phys 202 Physics IV
Phys 325 Mathematical Methods of Physics I
Phys 326 Mathematical Methods of Physics II
Phys 407 Advanced Quantum mechanics I
Phys 408 Advanced Quantum mechanics II
Phys 411 Quantum mechanics I
Phys 412 Quantum mechanics II
Phys 491 Introduction to research in physics I
Phys 492 Introduction to research in physics II
Phys 48R Introduction to Relativity Theory
Phys 501 Classical Dynamics
Phys 525 Introduction to General Relativity
Phys 531 Quantum Mechanics I
Phys 532 Quantum Mechanics II
Phys 58H Sp. Top. in Physics: Math. Meth. in Physics I
Phys 58O Sp. Top. in Physics: Math. Meth. in Physics II
Phys 690 Thesis
Phys 621 Group Theory
Phys 68B Sp.Top.In Physics:Topics In Gauge Theories
Phys 68C Sp. Top. In Physics:High Energy Pyhsics
PHYS 665 Quantum Field Theory I
PHYS 666 Quantum Field Theory II
PHYS 694 Selected Topics in Mathematical Physics
Phys 790 Thesis
Son Güncelleme: 15:14:35 - 12.11.2022