Hakan Erkol

Medikal Fizik
Doktora: Boğaziçi Üniversitesi, Fizik Bölümü 2009
Yüksek Lisans: Boğaziçi Üniversitesi, Fizik Bölümü 2003
Lisans: Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Fizik Bölümü 2000
Doktora Tezi:
“Exactly Solvable Potentials with Dirac Delta Point Interactions”
Tez Danışmanı: Prof. Dr. Ersan Demiralp
Master Tezi:
“Approximate Ground State Energies of One Dimensional
Potential Wells by the S-Matrix Formalism”
Tez Danışmanı: Prof. Dr. Mehmet Haluk Beker
Akademik deneyim:
Dr. Öğr. Üyesi, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi 2018-Halen
Araştırma Görevlisi, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi 2004-2009
Araştırma deneyimi:
Doktora Sonrası Araştırmacı, University of California, Irvine
Doktora Sonrası Araştırmacı, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi
1. H. Uncu, H. Erkol, E. Demiralp, and H. Beker, “Solutions of the Schrodinger
equation for Dirac delta decorated linear potential", Central European Journal
of Physics, Volume 1, pages: 1-19, (2005).
2. H. Erkol and E. Demiralp, “The Woods-Saxon potential with point interactions",
Physics Letters A, Volume 365, pages: 55-63, (2007).
3. H. Erkol and E. Demiralp, “Exact solutions for a Hamiltonian with the
Morse potential and the Dirac delta shell interactions", Molecular Physics,
Volume 107, pages: 2053-2062, (2009).
4. H. Erkol and M. B. Unlu, “Virtual source method for diffuse optical imaging",
Applied Optics, Volume 52, No: 20, pages: 4933-4940, (2013).
5. H. Erkol, E. Aytac-Kipergil, and M. B. Unlu, “Photoacoustic radiation force
on a microbubble", Physical Review E, Volume 290, 023001, pages: 1-11, (2014).
6. H. Erkol, A. Demirkiran, N.Uluc, and M. B. Unlu, “Analytical reconstruction
of the bioluminescent source with priors", Optics Express, Volume 22, No: 16, pages: 19758-19773, (2014).
7. H. Erkol and M. B. Unlu, “Spectral power density of the random excitation
for the photoacoustic wave equation", American Institute of Physics
Advances, Volume 4, 097103, pages: 1-11, (2014).
8. H. Erkol, F. Nouizi, M. B. Unlu, and G. Gulsen, “An extended analytical
approach for diffuse optical imaging", Physics in Medicine and Biology,
Volume 60, pages: 5103-5121, (2015).
9. H. Erkol, F. Nouizi, A. Luk, M. B. Unlu, and G. Gulsen, “Comprehensive
analytical model for CW laser induced heat in turbid media", Optics Express,
Volume 23, No: 24, pages: 31069-31084, (2015).
10. F. Nouizi, H. Erkol, A. Luk, M. B. Unlu, and G. Gulsen, “Real-time photomagnetic
imaging", Biomedical Optics Express, Volume 7, No: 10, pages:
3899-3904, (2016).
11. F. Nouizi, H. Erkol, A. Luk, M. Marks, M. B. Unlu, and G. Gulsen, “An
accelerated photo-magnetic imaging reconstruction algorithm based on an
analytical forward solution and a fast Jacobian assembly method", Physics
in Medicine and Biology, Volume 61, pages: 7448-7465, (2016).
12. E. Aytac-Kipergil, H. Erkol, S. Kaya, G. Gulsen, and M. B. Unlu, “An
analysis of beam parameters on proton-acoustic waves through an analytic
approach", Physics in Medicine and Biology, Physics in Medicine and Biology,
Volume 62, pages: 4694-4710, (2017).
13. A. Luk, F. Nouizi, H. Erkol, M. B. Unlu, and G. Gulsen, “Ex vivo validation
of photo-magnetic imaging", Optics Letters, Volume 42 (20), pages: 4171- 4174, (2017).
14. A. Demirkiran, A. Karakuzu, H. Erkol, H. Torun, and M. B. Unlu, “Analysis
of microcantilevers excited by pulsed-laser-induced photoacoustic waves",
Optics Express Volume 26 (4), pages: 4906-4919, (2018).
15. N. Uluc, M. B. Unlu, G. Gulsen, and H. Erkol, “Extended photoacoustic
transport model for characterization of red blood cell morphology in microchannel
flow", Biomedical Optics Express, Volume 9 (6), pages: 2785-
2809, (2018).
16. F. Nouizi, T. C. Kwong, J. Ruiz, J. Cho, Y. W. Chan, K. Ikemura, H.
Erkol, U. Sampathkumaran, and G. Gulsen, “A thermo-sensitive fluorescent
agent based method for excitation light leakage rejection for fluorescence
molecular tomography", Physics in Medicine and Biology, Volume: 64 (3),
pages: 035007, (2019).
17. M. Algarawi, H. Erkol, A. Luk, S. Ha, M. B. Unlu, G. Gulsen, and Farouk
Nouizi, “Resolving tissue chromophore concentration at MRI resolution using
multi-wavelength photo-magnetic imaging", Biomedical Optics Express, Volume: 11 (8), pages: 4244-4254, (2020).
18. M. Algarawi, H. Erkol, A. Luk, S. Ha, M. B. Unlu, G. Gulsen, and F.
Nouizi, “Multi-Wavelength Photo-Magnetic Imaging System for Photothermal
Therapy Guidance", Lasers in Surgery and Medicine, pages: 1-9, (2020).
19. H. Erkol, S. Z. Yelken, M. Algarawi, G. Gulsen, and F. Nouizi, “Validation
of a comprehensive analytical model for photothermal therapy planning in a
layered medium with gold nanoparticles", International Journal of Heat and
Mass Transfer, Volume 163, pages: 120438, (2020).
20. Farouk Nouizi, Maha Algarawi, Hakan Erkol, Alex Luk, Gultekin Gulsen, “Multiwavelength photo-magnetic imaging algorithm improved for direct chromophore concentration recovery using spectral constraints", Applied Optics, Volume 60(35), pages: 10855-10861, (2021).
21. Hakan Erkol, “An analytical model to calculate the primary and secondary acoustic forces acting on microbubbles due to a short pulsed laser excitation", European Journal of Science and Technology, Volume 25, pages: 727-735, (2021).
22. Hakan Erkol, “An analytical model to calculate the primary and secondary acoustic forces acting on microbubbles due to a short pulsed laser excitation", Physica Scripta, Volume 97(8), pages: 085003, (2022).
BAP 15362: Acoustic Microscopy Guided Laser Therapy Applications (Completed, 2022)
Phys101: Physics I
Phys201: Physics III
PHYS337: Introduction to Physical Methods in Medical Diagnosis
PHYS491: Introduction to Research in Physics I
PHYS492: Introduction to Research in Physics II
PHYS690: M.S. Thesis
Son Güncelleme: 18:01:01 - 10.01.2025